Transmeta for Up For Sale

Transmeta is actively seeking a buyer, having given up the chip game entirely in favor of lucrative patent licensing deals. Considering that AMD owns a $7.5M chunk of stock and most of Transmeta's tech is already licensed out to NVIDIA and Intel, those seem like...

CrossOver Games on BSD

An experimental build of CrossOver Games is now available for the BSD platform. This edition is unsupported by CrossOver, but it is a great opportunity to test out playing Windows games on BSD. notes that Jeremy White from CodeWeavers has issued a challenge to the...

Nintendo’s Iwata on the Wii Price Point

Satoru Iwata, Nintendo President, recently talked with GameDaily about the rumors surrounding the $249 Wii price point, his take of the PS3 price point and controller, and to reassure us that the GameBoy is far from dead. 'You may want to check our past records of...