HARX – HAR (HTTP Archive) eXtractor Tool

Initial work is complete on the a the first version of the HAR (HTTP Archive) File eXtractor. It's available for download at https://github.com/RuanMuller/harx/   Description HAR eXtractor. This utility was developed to assist security analysts working with HTTP Archive (HAR) files to list and extract the contained objects. More information about the HTTP...

OpenBSD 4.6 Released

The release of OpenBSD 4.6 was released on Sunday. Highlights of the new release include: Simplified installation process. Improved documentation and man pages. New versions of packages in ports (package management system). Over 5800 packages in total. Hardware driver updates: sensors, chipsets, video devices etc. New drivers, functionality and...

Nmap 5 Released

Nmap Security Scanner version 5 has been released. Significant performance improvements were made, and many scripts have been added. Nmap can now log into Windows a system and perform local checks such as Conficker detection. Announcement Changes Download ...